Basics of Neural networks
Neural networks Imagine a group of people who have never seen " KOALA" (an animal) in their life!!! So now our job is to teach them if any image is of "KOALA" or not.... We create a team and ask each and every student to work and study each feature of the koala, such as Mike can work on detecting eyes, Jyoti works on forelimbs, Chen can work on hindlimbs, and Mohan can work on the nose. So they make assumptions by using a score of 0 to 1. For example, where 0 means definitely not Koala's eyes, 0.5 means maybe or maybe not Koala's eyes and 1 means definitely Koala's eyes. Then Serena, their superior notes down their observations and based on a formula tells us finally if an animal is a Koala or not. This is nothing but a neural network. Each individual person here is an individual neuron. They're working on a particular subtask and pass the result of their subtask to the next group. Here, Serena and Nidhi are the hidden layer, Mike, Mohan, etc fo...